
8 visbiežāk uzdotie jautājumi par DiSC
Uzzini atbildes uz populārākajiem jautājumiem par DiSC personības novērtēšanas modeli Kā būtu, ja mēs varētu viegli saprast viens otra vajadzības un spētu prognozēt, kas otram ir nepieciešams, lai izveidotu harmonisku un produktīvu darba vidi? DiSC ir viens no instrumentiem, kas var palīdzēt labāk izprast kolēģu un darbinieku uzvedību, vajadzības, veicinot...
Leadership Pipeline principles are spreading – Change Partners now active also in 🇱🇻 Latvia!
We gladly announce that Inga Kalna and Regina Reke have joined Change Partners to promote Leadership Pipeline Institute® (LPI) solutions in Latvia 🇱🇻. Change Partners helps companies to achieve desired results at every level of management throughout the Baltics. The Leadership Pipeline offers first principles for mapping and building an efficient and agile leadership architecture, infrastructure, and operation...
Cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute
We are pleased to announce that in 2021 we started cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute in Denmark, which allows us to bring a globally recognized Leadership Pipeline framework to our customers.   Imagine a company that has a CFO but does not have a budget process and no accounting...
Using DiSC for the People Side Of Change Management
Organisations are constantly undergoing change. Whether organization is implementing a new strategy and culture or responding to market trends like digitalisation, change is a necessary and vital part of long-term organisational success. Yet, all too often, people react to changes so differently. Have you ever wondered why? What are some...
Fresh Teamwork Research: State of Teams
The way we team is more important now than ever before. Read the latest research report from Wiley to understand the challenges teams are facing today and how The Five Behaviors® could be the solution for building truly cohesive and effective teams. State of Teams is a great resource regarding the need...

Inga Kalna
LPI partnere un konsultante Latvijā
Tel. +371 29137332

Regīna Reķe
LPI partnere un konsultante Latvijā
Tel.+371 20001072

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