Author: uku

8 visbiežāk uzdotie jautājumi par DiSC

Uzzini atbildes uz populārākajiem jautājumiem par DiSC personības novērtēšanas modeli

Kā būtu, ja mēs varētu viegli saprast viens otra vajadzības un spētu prognozēt, kas otram ir nepieciešams, lai izveidotu harmonisku un produktīvu darba vidi?

DiSC ir viens no instrumentiem, kas var palīdzēt labāk izprast kolēģu un darbinieku uzvedību, vajadzības, veicinot efektīvāku komunikāciju un sadarbību. Organizācijas visā pasaulē izmanto šo uz pētījumiem balstīto rīku, lai uzlabotu darbinieku iesaisti, produktivitāti un sniegumu.

DiSC ir akronīms, kas apvieno četras personības dimensijas, uz kurām balstās DiSC modelis:

D (Dominante) – tieša, uz rezultātiem orientēta, neatlaidīga un spēcīga

i (ietekme) – draudzīga, entuziasma pilna, optimistiska un dzīvespriecīga

S (Stabilitāte) – stabila, piekāpīga, pacietīga un pazemīga

C (Centība, apzinība) – loģiska, atturīga, precīza un sistemātiska

80% cilvēku piemīt vairāk, nekā viens uzvedības stils – cilvēka rīcība ir unikāla 4 stilu kombinācija. Stilu ietekmē arī pieredze, kultūra un vide.

Zemāk esam apkopojuši atbildes uz 8 visbiežāk uzdotajiem jautājumiem par DiSC.


  1. Kāda ir ideālā DiSC stila kombinācija?

Nav neviena DiSC stila, kas tiktu uzskatīts par ideālu vai pārāku. Katram stilam ir savas stiprās puses un uzlabojumu jomas. DiSC ir rīks, lai saprastu dažādu uzvedību izpausmi, nevis to mērītu. Ir svarīgi atzīt, ka mēs visi esam dažādu stilu sajaukums un varam pielāgoties citiem pēc nepieciešamības.


  1. Vai DiSC var izmantot kā atlases rīku?

DiSC nav validēts kā atlases rīks. Nav tiešas korelācijas starp DiSC stiliem un darba panākumiem vai apmierinātību, jo šis modelis koncentrējas uz personības iezīmēm, nevis uz konkrētam darbam nepieciešamajām prasmēm un spējām. Tomēr dažos darbos ir izteikti liels cilvēku skaits ar līdzīgiem stiliem. Tas var norādīt, ka vairāk cilvēku izvēlas vai tiek pieņemti šajās profesijās. Piemēram, pārdošanas nodaļā var būt daudz D stila pārstāvju vai IT un finanšu nodaļās – C stila pārstāvji. Tas var nozīmēt, ka vairāk šo stilu pārstāvju dodas uz šīm lomām vai, ka atlases speciālistiem ir nostiprinājušies priekšstati par konkrētu stilu konkrētās lomās.

Organizācijas mēdz izmantot DiSC, lai saprastu jaunu darbinieku uzvedības stilu un maksimāli pielāgotu tam onboarding pieredzi.


  1. Vai cilvēka DiSC profils var mainīties laika gaitā?

DiSC profils laika gaitā var attīstīties dažādu faktoru dēļ, piemēram, dzīves pieredzes, izglītības un brieduma dēļ. Izmaiņas DiSC novērtēšanas rezultātos var būt vairāk pamanāmas ilgākā laika posmā. Lai gan lielas stilu maiņas ir maz ticamas, mazākas izmaiņas var notikt, it īpaši pēc nozīmīgiem dzīves notikumiem vai mērķtiecīgi trenējot uzvedību, kas raksturīga citiem stiliem.

IPB Partners – oficiālais DiSC pārstāvis Baltijas valstīs – iesaka veikt DiSC novērtējumu ik pēc diviem gadiem, lai nodrošinātu, ka tas atspoguļo jūsu pašreizējo stilu.


  1. Vai cilvēkam var būt viens stils darbā un cits mājās?

Cilvēkiem bieži ir līdzīgi DiSC stili gan personiskajā, gan profesionālajā dzīvē. Lai gan dažādās situācijās var būt nepieciešami dažādi stili, tas nenozīmē, ka vienam cilvēkam ir pilnīgi atšķirīgi stili darbā un mājās. Tas ir par pielāgošanos dažādām situācijām, kas var būt vairāk vai mazāk enerģijas prasīga atkarībā no tā, cik ļoti tas atšķiras no jūsu dabiskā stila. Tātad, gan mājās, gan darbā, cilvēks īsti nemaina savu būtību, bet varat mainīt, kā reaģēt uz citiem katrā atšķirīgajā vidē.


  1. Kā maksimāli efektīvi izmantot zināšanas par savu DiSC stilu?

DiSC novērtējuma iegūtās atziņas var būt ļoti noderīgi gan personīgajā, gan profesionālajā dzīvē. Ja jūsu dabīgais stils ir analītisks un rezervēts (C stils), bet jūs esat situācijā, kurā nepieciešama aktīvāka sociāla uzvedība (i stils), šī pielāgošanās var svārstīties no nedaudz neērtas līdz ļoti izaicinošai, atkarībā no jūsu stila intensitātes (pozīcija DiSC aplī). Jo tālāk jūsu dabīgais stils ir no nepieciešamā stila, jo vairāk pūļu prasa pielāgošanās.

Lai efektīvi izmantotu DiSC, ir būtiski ne tikai zināt stilus, bet arī aktīvi pielietot šīs zināšanas, lai pielāgotu un uzlabotu mijiedarbību un stratēģijas dažādās dzīves un darba jomās.


  1. Vai komandām vajadzētu būt visu stilu sajaukumam?

Komanda var būt veiksmīga ar vai bez visu DiSC stilu sajaukuma. Svarīgāk par sajaukumu ir apzināties komandas stiprās puses un izaicinājumus. Labi izveidota komanda strādās, lai pārvarētu savus izaicinājumus, nevis tikai koncentrēsies uz savām stiprajām pusēm.


  1. Vai četras DiSC krāsas kaut ko nozīmē?

Krāsas DiSC profilos tiek izmantotas tikai  dizaina un zīmola nolūkiem. Tām nav specifiskas nozīmes saistībā ar pašiem DiSC stiliem. Ir svarīgi nesaistīt DiSC stilus ar noteiktām krāsām, jo pētījumi norāda, ka krāsu interpretācija dažādās kultūrās var ievērojami atšķirties.


  1. Kāpēc ir tik daudz DISC testu?

DISC modelis nav autortiesību aizsargāts, kas veicināja dažādu līdzīgu novērtējumu izstrādi. Everything DiSC ir oriģināls un pirmais pasaulē radītais DiSC profils, kas izceļas kā augstākās klases zīmols ar apņemšanos veikt pastāvīgus pētījumus un nodrošināt visprogresīvākos novērtējumus un risinājumus.


5. septembrī Change Partners organizē DiSC treneru sertificēšanas mācības, kas pirmo reizi norisināsies latviešu valodā. Savukārt 26. novembrī notiks atklātas DiSC apmācības tiem, kas vēlas labāk izprast DiSC modeli un iemācīties to pielietot dažādās darba situācijās. Vairāk informācijas, rakstot


Leadership Pipeline principles are spreading – Change Partners now active also in 🇱🇻 Latvia!

We gladly announce that  and  have joined  to promote ® (LPI) solutions in Latvia 🇱🇻.

Change Partners helps companies to achieve desired results at every level of management throughout the Baltics.
The Leadership Pipeline offers first principles for mapping and building an efficient and agile leadership architecture, infrastructure, and operation model in smaller as well as in bigger businesses. LPI solutions are 56% better at creating lasting behavioural change for leaders and it’s proven by leading third-party training auditor since 2009 based on more than 10’000 measurements.

Inga and Regina are both experienced leaders and trainers.
🆕 Inga Kalna delivers Leadership Transition Programs across the Baltics and Scandinavia for the last 10 years. Before joining Leadership Pipeline Institute, Inga has more than 15 years of experience in the banking sector. Thanks to her various roles, she has gained solid expertise in business development, change management and leadership development.

🆕 Regina Reke has provided LP trainings since 2020. She speaks five languages and delivers Leadership Transition Programs in Latvian, Lithuanian and English, enabling companies in 🇱🇹 Lithuania or 🇱🇻 Latvia to organise learning process in their native tongue, while for mixed Baltic groups – in 🇬🇧 English.
Before joining Leadership Pipeline Institute, Regina has been actively involved for more than half a decade working as a business trainer and consultant. Her more than 15-year experience in diverse industries (transportation, travel, construction,) in leading positions, has built substantial know-how in leadership and business development.

Together we can really leverage your company’s competitive advantage!

Cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute

We are pleased to announce that in 2021 we started cooperation with the Leadership Pipeline Institute in Denmark, which allows us to bring a globally recognized Leadership Pipeline framework to our customers.


Imagine a company that has a CFO but does not have a budget process and no accounting system. In such circumstances, it is difficult for a financial manager to succeed. Financial processes create clarity and certainty, financial matters are under control and problems are easy to talk about.

Less attention is paid to the fact that management itself is one of the functions that ensure the success of the company and needs also an internal system. Usually, management is considered a general topic, for example, it is discussed whether Rein is a good leader at large, but the data is insufficient to make such an assessment. At best, there is annual employee feedback. This is one reason, why the efficiency of management training is low, as a rule, less than 15%.

The Leadership Pipeline approach helps to create an internal management system that recognizes the value created by each level of leadership and formulates specific behavioral expectations to get the job done. This provides an opportunity to select, assess and develop performance on a specific basis. Rein can be a good leader of others but may not want to do the job of leader of leaders. Mihkel is an excellent functional leader, but in order to develop into the role of a business leader, he should work more with some skills. And no one has to feel bad about it. Because everybody knows the value that each level of management creates and what needs to be developed in order to move to the next level.

The Leadership Pipeline framework provides a common language and a common understanding of what needs to get done and by whom, helping to solve problems, make decisions, and use opportunities across the organization. The whole value chain will work more efficiently. The head of the company can deal with strategic issues and communication with various stakeholders, as the leaders in his team develop their areas, cooperate effectively with each other, and manage the implementation plans. There is an overview of succession available for each level, as managerial work and the necessary skills are regularly monitored and developed across the organization.

If you want more information on how to create an internal management support system and develop leaders, look here or book an appointment for a free consultation here.

Using DiSC for the People Side Of Change Management

Organisations are constantly undergoing change. Whether organization is implementing a new strategy and culture or responding to market trends like digitalisation, change is a necessary and vital part of long-term organisational success.

Yet, all too often, people react to changes so differently. Have you ever wondered why? What are some of the change management strategies to handle these various reactions? One of the reasons that change efforts fail is when leaders fail to take the human side of transition into account.

In the landmark change management study of more than 100 companies over 10 years, Harvard Business School professor John Kotter, reported the incredible finding that approximately 70% of change initiatives fail. Whether it was a large scale or a smaller scale change, it often failed to achieve the necessary commitment. This is where DiSC® assessments can help.

Using DiSC psychometric model to understand these differences along with Prosci® change management tools will go a long way to facilitating change and managing people more effectively.

The DiSC model is constructed on two behavioral dimensions which form four basic profiles. Each profile, or behavioral prototype, describes preferred environments, communication styles and workplace relationships. The profiles also indicate the greatest fears, motivators, stressors and attitudes toward change.

Without thoughtful leadership to manage personalities within your team, changes can become much more difficult on people and will ask a lot from leaders.

One of the most frustrating things for leadership can be employee resistance to change. “Why can’t they just get on board and do what’s needed to get this initiative done?”. But that would be too easy…


Importance of understanding other personalities

During change, the emotional intelligence of yourself and others is critical for:

  • Keeping employees engaged and productive
  • Decreasing resistance, stress and conflict
  • Maintaining the quality of services that customers need and expect

Using the DiSC Profile can be a very powerful tool to carefully assess people on key change competencies.  Not all people embrace change with the same level of enthusiasm. A percentage of the population will dread the prospect of change, while others cynically deny that change will actually ever happen.

By understanding what DiSC styles are more represented in the organization we can predict the potential success or failure of change initiatives and anticipate if they likely will either positively or negatively impact the change process. Ignore these issues, and the probability of delay and change failure increases.

When planning the change process, develop a richer, multidimensional picture of employees and how they view change.  Remember the adage, “We love change, as long as someone else does it!”  That simple picture speaks volumes.

DiSC helps to develop a deep understanding of each person’s motivators, their limitations and their challenges. Be realistic about what to expect from each individual dealing with the change process. Then, plan accordingly.


Change management for High D’s


High D’s make quick decisions, are on board with change easily and are happy to move forward towards a goal. They are daring and risk-takers. They can be innovators who love new ideas. On the surface, this is a wonderful asset, and momentum is needed to drive change, but they sometimes don’t wait for all the details of a plan before they act. High D’s tend to have a hard time tolerating the conversations necessary to construct the execution plan. This can negatively impact the team’s ability to reach its goals. It’s important to give them an immediate task they can accomplish right away that is part of the larger plan so they can act quickly and achieve a win early in the change process.


What does the D style need during times of change?

Progress: being able to get results quickly and efficiently

Control: having influence over decisions that affect them and their success

Justification: knowing how and why changes were made


Change management for High i’s


High I’s usually get excited about the initiative and want to talk about it. They show great enthusiasm and are early adopters of an initiative. I style openly share their ideas and are usually fun to work with. The challenge with high I’s is focusing them during the execution phase and not letting them get sidetracked chasing the next idea that excites them. Strategies for this group are games, themes and smaller goals that engage their desire for stimulation. They also make great advocates of the initiative. Use High I’s to inspire other members of the team who may need additional encouragement to get on board.


What does the i style need during times of change?

Excitement: being part of energizing new opportunities

Being heard: knowing that their opinions and feelings about the change(s) are heard

Relationships: maintaining a connection with important people in their world


Change management for High S’s


High S’s can be challenging on the surface because they don’t fundamentally like change. They like the status quo that is predictable and calm. “If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.” It’s important to involve them as early as possible in the change process to allow them time to get used to a new idea.  Although initially they can be frustratingly slow adopters, this group can become your best advocates for an initiative once they have time to understand the logic behind a change and they feel engaged in the change management process and their role in it.


What does the S style need during times of change?

Reassurance: knowing that things are under control and will turn out okay

Harmony: freedom from tension, conflict, and ongoing stress

Direction: knowing where we are headed and what is expected of them


Change management for High C’s


High C’s have excellent analytical skills, are superb at knowing the details and are very systematic and careful in their work style. They will catch mistakes and keep the team honest when reporting stats and results.  The challenge with this style is that they need all the details upfront, and their questions and feedback can come across as resistant and negative.  It’s important to learn to embrace these qualities and use them to enhance the team by asking them to help in creating a detailed execution plan. This group may need to be encouraged to move toward the bigger goal, but C’s are an invaluable resource to a team’s success.


What does the C style need during times of change?

Competence: knowing that they can do their jobs well and maintain credibility

Understanding: knowing the implications of the change(s) and maintaining their expertise

Stability: having a sense of predictability and freedom from chaos


Are these generalities? Yes. And every person and organization is unique. But the more the leaders understand behavioral styles, the more they can work within each person’s zone of strength to position the team for success in managing change.

Multidimensional communication is always the key to change project success. Business leaders cannot effectively manage and clearly communicate changes without understanding the personalities of their people and the motivators behind them. DiSC along with ADKAR creates a powerful language for change management and gives leaders a framework for helping people embrace and adopt changes through effective communication and better self-control. Embracing change means putting people first.



Reach out to us at to get your personal DiSC profile today to learn about your own DiSC style.


Referred sources:


Fresh Teamwork Research: State of Teams

The way we team is more important now than ever before.

Read the latest research report from Wiley to understand the challenges teams are facing today and how The Five Behaviors® could be the solution for building truly cohesive and effective teams.

State of Teams is a great resource regarding the need for strong teamwork skills in today’s work landscape. The report covers new research from Wiley conducted in the last two months on the dynamic nature of teams in today’s workplace, based on insights from over 20,000 employees.

Today’s teams are more complex, fluid, and dispersed

The study shows that teams are becoming more complex, more fluid, and more dispersed—and that our working lives are becoming more team-oriented than ever before. Today’s teams are more complex:

  • Employees work on more teams with more people on a daily basis compared to just five years ago.
  • 76 percent of employees are part of at least two teams within their organization.
  • Directors and execs are often on more than five teams.

Today’s teams are more fluid:

  • 73 percent of people are on more than one type of team.
  • 62 percent are on project-based teams, most often lasting just a few months.
  • 41 percent have worked on teams with consultants and temporary contractors.

Today’s teams are more dispersed:

  • In the past year, 28 percent of respondents have worked with at least one member based in another country.
  • 51 percent have worked on teams with at least one member who collaborated virtually.

Read the full report here.

Inga Kalna
LPI partnere un konsultante Latvijā
Tel. +371 29137332

Regīna Reķe
LPI partnere un konsultante Latvijā
Tel.+371 20001072

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